TutorialsImagine you're new to the BeColourful Quilts, or as we like to say, to the "Jacqueline de Jonge designs", and you don't exactly know were to start.. In that case we have a few options for you: You can take the "Day Dream" Craftsy class or you can take one of Jacqueline's classes. At our website you'll find all the places where she will teach.
However, once you've taken one of Jacqueline's classes or you found yourself stuck in the middle of a star or anything and you don't know how to continue, maybe you found a helpful tutorial here. We're planning to post a range of tutorials at this page to help you sewing and piecing. |
For the tutorials for 'DREAM FLIGHT' click here | Tutorials for 'Purple Sunrise'/'Wish Upon a Star' click here
Happiness tutorials
We made these "Happiness" tutorials for the "How to make a BeColourful Quilt" DVD several years ago. After reprinting this DVD a number of times, we decided about 4 years ago to stop releasing it. Jacqueline's techniques were evolving so the DVD became somewhat outdated. One example is the "second seam allowance" that she has been adding to the pattern pieces for the last few collections.
We've made a selection of some of the most useful videos. If you watch these tutorials, please note that the 'second seam allowance' could be missing from some of these videos.
A tip: with any new pattern, start by reading the instructions. That's always the first thing you start with. And read them again. And again ;)
One last tip: if there is something not quite clear in the instructions, get some fabric scraps and make a personal copy of the pattern part and practice with this until you master the technique.
We've made a selection of some of the most useful videos. If you watch these tutorials, please note that the 'second seam allowance' could be missing from some of these videos.
A tip: with any new pattern, start by reading the instructions. That's always the first thing you start with. And read them again. And again ;)
One last tip: if there is something not quite clear in the instructions, get some fabric scraps and make a personal copy of the pattern part and practice with this until you master the technique.
Lone Star tutorials
Years ago we made these tutorials on how to make a Lone Star. We had planned to perfectionize them and then put them on the website. But now there is so much demand for these tutorials that we decided to put these "old" ones on for now.
Jacqueline's voice-over is not perfect in these tutorials and the sound is not as you would expect from us. But I think it's clear and understandable how she explains and applies the technique. In due course we will replace these videos with better ones.
A tip: with any new pattern, start by reading the instructions. That's always the first thing you start with. And read them again. And again ;)
One last tip: if there is something not quite clear in the instructions, get some fabric scraps and make a personal copy of the pattern part and practice with this until you master the technique.
Jacqueline's voice-over is not perfect in these tutorials and the sound is not as you would expect from us. But I think it's clear and understandable how she explains and applies the technique. In due course we will replace these videos with better ones.
A tip: with any new pattern, start by reading the instructions. That's always the first thing you start with. And read them again. And again ;)
One last tip: if there is something not quite clear in the instructions, get some fabric scraps and make a personal copy of the pattern part and practice with this until you master the technique.
All designs, patterns, images, videos and text are © 2004-2025 copyright BeColourful; by Jacqueline de Jonge. Reproduction of any kind is expressly prohibited without written consent.